Calf and mom walking down fence line on opposite sides.

Calf Scramble

If you've been to a rodeo, you've seen the calf scramble where young children run after calves to take a ribbon off their tail.  Well, we had our own version this weekend!   

I had noticed a small hole in our front fence a few weeks back, but it didn't look big enough for anyone to get through.  Note to self, any hole is big enough!  On Saturday night, our neighbor called and said there was a calf out along our fence.  Sure enough, our smallest calf, Gidget was out and was trying to find a way back in.  We tried herding her to our gate but she was determined to stay near the hole she got through since her mom was right on the other side.   It was getting dark, and there were cars driving down our road, which made it tricky to keep her off the road.  After about 45 minutes, Jim was able to grab her tail and get her down.  My job was to get a rope around her neck, which sounds easier than it was.  She's a feisty thing!  After some wrangling, Jim was finally able to walk her back to our gate and reunite her with her mom. 


Update:  she got out two more times in the next couple of months!  

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